08/01 金言雋語2

  • 在一粒沙裡能明白整個世界,在一朵野花裡能明白天堂;在手掌裡能握住無限,在一小時裡能握住永恆。(布雷克的詩句,錄自《家住美福鎮》P.358)
  • 文學的妙處正在於它無用!(作家朱光潛)
  • 就我個人來說,我常預備好要學習,雖然我並不常喜歡接受人的教導。(邱吉爾)Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.(Winston Churchill,)
  • 發生在一個人身上最糟糕的事,就是他在預備好之前就成功了。(鍾馬田)The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.(Martin Lloyd Jones)
  • 當你被仇敵的箭射中時,要記得那是神的旨意所允許的;不要抵擋它,免得你抵擋了神的恩典與旨意。Remember that by the time the arrows of the enemy strike you, they have come under the permissive will of God. Do not resist or you may be resisting God’s grace and God’s will.
  • 如果我知道自己只剩二十五年的壽命,我會用二十年來預備自己。(司布真)If I knew I would have twenty-five years left to live, I would spend twenty of them in preparation.(C.H.Spurgeon)
  • 神的時候總是不會太晚,也不會太早,祂的時候總是剛剛好的。God is never too late, never too early; He is always just on time.(C.B.Fugget)


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