10/10 給大學畢業生2

  • 去吧!去犯一些有趣的錯誤,去犯另一些榮耀而奇妙的錯誤;打破規則,讓這世界因著你活在其中而變得更有趣。去創造美好的藝術吧!Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make good art.(英國猶太裔名作家Neil Gaiman)
  • 成功,乃是在一個又一個的失敗中,不失去熱忱的能力。Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.(邱吉爾Winston Churchill)
  • 我的人生將會是另一個大學,但願我能好好地畢業,贏得名譽尊榮。Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors.(美國小說家,《小婦人》的作者Louisa May Alcott)
  • 教育最崇高的目標,乃是寬容。The highest result of education is tolerance.(Helen Keller)
  • 智能加上品格,這是教育的真實目標。Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.(Martin Luther King Jr.)
  • 投資在知識上,通常會獲得豐厚的利潤。An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.(Benjamin Franklin)


09/26 給大學畢業生1

  • 從你在的地方開始,使用你已擁有的,去做你能做的事。Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.(美國網球名星Arthur Ashe)
  • 你若跌倒,也是向前跌倒;每一次失敗的實驗,都離成功更近了一步。你必須承擔風險。Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to take risks.(Denzel Washington)
  • 你還沒有工作?趕快去找到一個,任何一個工作!不要坐在家裡,等著魔法帶來的機會。你要去做一些事,直到你能做其他的事。You don't have a job? Get one. Any job! Don't sit at home waiting for the magical opportunity. Do something until you can do something else.(美國編劇與導演Shonda Rhimes)
  • 你每一天所走的道路,是你的品格與角色、你的所是,越來越得著定位的過程;如同拍照時,相機會逐漸聚焦一般。Your path is your character defining itself more and more every day, like a photograph coming into focus.(美國名演員與導演Jodie Foster)


09/12 金言雋語5

  • 任何人若想除去苦難,也就同時除去了愛。(教宗本篤16世)
  • 誰能使你來到我心裡,擄掠我的心,使它著迷,以致我忘記我的敗壞而牢牢抓住你,成為我此生至愛至寶?(奧古斯丁)Who will make it so you come into my heart and captivate it, so I can forget my rottenness and take hold of you, the one good thing in my life?
  • 愛國主義是邪惡的美德。(王爾德)
  • 族群的愛,有時候是最墮落的愛。(魯益師)


08/29 金言雋語4

  • 多半的人決心要多麼快樂,就能有多麼快樂!(亞伯拉罕.林肯)You can be so happy as much as you aim to be.
  • 除非得你允許,沒有人能使你難過。(羅斯福夫人)
  • 世上分配的最公平的東西應該是良心了,因為從未有人抱怨他缺少良心!(法國思想家蒙田Michael Eyquem de Montaigne, 1533~1592)
  • 栽種思想,收成言語;栽種言語,收成行為;栽種行為,收成習慣;栽種習慣,收成品格;栽種品格,收成命運。Sow a thought, reap a word; sow a word, reap a deed; sow a deed, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
  • 品格乃是你在暗中所表現出來的所是。(慕迪)Character is what you are in the dark.(D. L. Moody)
  • 我相信基督教就好像我相信太陽已經升起,不只是因為我看見它,而是因為我藉著它得以看見其他一切。(魯益師)


08/15 金言雋語3

  • 假如我的生命不結果子,誰讚賞我,都不重要;假如我的生命多結果子,誰批評我,也都不重要。(本仁約翰,劉秀慧轉述)
  • 牙買加一教師問一黑人小孩:「怎樣的人是最溫柔的人?」孩子答道:「最溫柔的人,就是以最柔和的話,回答最粗暴的話的人。」(劉秀慧轉述)
  • 一年輕人問莫札特怎樣寫交響樂,他回答說:「你還年輕,先從寫民歌開始吧!」那年輕人說:「可是你自己十歲就開始寫交響樂呢!」莫札特笑了笑回答說:「可我也沒有問過人家如何寫交響樂呢!」
  • 如果船長的最高目標是保住他的船(比作教會),這船永遠出不了港。(Thomas Aquinas)


08/01 金言雋語2

  • 在一粒沙裡能明白整個世界,在一朵野花裡能明白天堂;在手掌裡能握住無限,在一小時裡能握住永恆。(布雷克的詩句,錄自《家住美福鎮》P.358)
  • 文學的妙處正在於它無用!(作家朱光潛)
  • 就我個人來說,我常預備好要學習,雖然我並不常喜歡接受人的教導。(邱吉爾)Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.(Winston Churchill,)
  • 發生在一個人身上最糟糕的事,就是他在預備好之前就成功了。(鍾馬田)The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.(Martin Lloyd Jones)
  • 當你被仇敵的箭射中時,要記得那是神的旨意所允許的;不要抵擋它,免得你抵擋了神的恩典與旨意。Remember that by the time the arrows of the enemy strike you, they have come under the permissive will of God. Do not resist or you may be resisting God’s grace and God’s will.
  • 如果我知道自己只剩二十五年的壽命,我會用二十年來預備自己。(司布真)If I knew I would have twenty-five years left to live, I would spend twenty of them in preparation.(C.H.Spurgeon)
  • 神的時候總是不會太晚,也不會太早,祂的時候總是剛剛好的。God is never too late, never too early; He is always just on time.(C.B.Fugget)


07/18 金言雋語1

  • 把最重要的事放在最重要的位置,結果次重要的事也一起得著;把次重要的事放在最高的位置,結果你兩樣都得不著。(魯益師)Put first things first, and we get second things; put second things first, and we lose both first and second things.
  • 過去發生的每件事情的後果,或好或壞,我們都得自行承擔;我們因過去的每一件惡行,自食其果。(艾略特T. S. Eliot)
  • 打開你那厚厚的寶貝窗簾吧,你還不知道外面的天已經發亮了!(索忍尼津)
  • 最富有的人,是那種在最便宜的事上,還能找到樂趣的人。(美國思想家亨利.梭羅)That man is rich whose pleasures are the cheapest.
  • 如果你吃麵包時,同時也想吃奶油與蜂蜜的話,你就必須進入那有巨人的地方!(Billy Sunday)
  • 你是因太累而不能跑呢?還是因太怕而不敢休息呢?


07/04 人

  • 你知道是什麼使人成為受苦最多的受造物嗎?是因為他一腳踏在有限上,另一腳踏在無限上,而他在兩個世界間被撕扯著。Do you know what makes man the most suffering of all creatures? It is that he has one foot in the finite and the other in the infinite, and that he is torn between two worlds.
  • 人是一種很有才能的受造物,弄出了三千兩百六十萬條律法,卻至今尚未在遵行十誡上有進展。Man is an able creature, but he has made 32,600,000 laws and hasn’t yet improved on the Ten Commandments.
  • 人是塵土所造的動物,卻配得上天國。(聖奧古斯丁) [Man is] An earthly animal, but worthy of Heaven. (St. Augustine: The City of God)
  • 人是上帝的受造物,其他每一件事物都是他的育嬰房或是保姆。(亨利.畢屈)Man is God’s creation. Everything else is the nursery and nurse of man. (Henry Ward Beecher)
  • 神造人是要他們成為某一種樣式,而非只要他們擁有某些東西。God made man to be somebody – not just to have things.
  • 人太尊貴而不應服事任何別的,只應當服事上帝。Man is too noble to serve anyone but God. (Cardinal Wyszynski)
  • 神阿!你為你自己造了我們,除非我們的心安息於你,否則它就沒有安息。(聖奧古斯丁)Thou hast made us for Thyself, and the heart of man is restless until it finds its rest in Thee. (St. Augustine)


6/20 《光》之三

  • 黑暗不能逐出黑暗,只有光能;仇恨不能逐出仇恨,只有愛能(金恩博士)。Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.(Martin Luther King, Jr.)
  • 如果整個宇宙都是無意義的,我們就絕無法察覺它是無意義的;就像倘若宇宙並無光存在,受造物也就沒有眼睛,我們也絕無法知道宇宙是黑暗的,黑暗變成沒有意義了。(魯益師)If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.(C.S.Lewis)
  • 光,是神的長女。Light, God's eldest daughter...(Thomas Fuller)
  • 我們都行走在黑暗中,每一個人都必須學習打開他的燈,照出光來。(南丁格爾)We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light.(Earl Nightingale)
  • 不要一直擔憂那些可能不會發生的事,只要保守自己在陽光底下。(便雅憫.富蘭克林)Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.(Benjamin Franklin)
  • 在燈光下的真理,在陽光下不見得仍是真理。What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight.(Joseph Joubert)
  • 信心如同小鳥,在仍舊是暗夜時,感覺到光,並開始歌唱。(泰戈爾)Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.(Rabindranath Tagore)


06/06 《光》之二

  • 英雄會在世上點燃偉大火炬,將暗街照亮,使人得以看見;聖徒則走在世界的暗街上,他自己就是光。The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. The saint is the man who walks through the dark paths of the world, himself a light.(Felix Adler)
  • 無論你去哪兒,無論天氣如何,總要帶著你自己的陽光。Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.(Anthony J. D'Angelo)
  • 當光忽然照射時,眩目傷人,甚至幾乎使我們失明;但不久這些感覺就會逝去,它將成為我們能存在其中惟一的因素。Light, when suddenly let in, dazzles and hurts and almost blinds us: but this soon passes away, and it seems to become the only element we can exist in.(Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare)
  • 也許有一天,內在之光將從我們裡面照射出來,那時我們將不再需要別的光了。(歌德)Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  • 愛不是一種安慰,它是光。(尼采)Love is not consolation. It is light.(Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • 在信心裡,有足夠的光賜給那些願意相信的人,也有足夠的陰影來使那些不信的人變成失明。(巴斯葛)In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.(Blaise Pascal)
  • 人應該學習去察驗並護衛,那從他裡面閃亮在他心思裡的光線。(愛默生)A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


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